Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Mask Mouth. No Surprise.

No surprise masks are more harmful than the uncertain good the priests of Science preach to us about.  The god Science has been really struggling lately determining what is righteous, hasn't he?  Kinda sad...

We humans are created in a certain way by YHWH to breathe, and that breathing then coordinates and harmonizes with the whole-person, or our "soul" -- meaning the body and mind -- and if it is impeded in that freedom there follows detrimental and harmful results to the human.

Case in point:  Mask Mouth.   It's real, and the god Science and his priests didn't even warn us! (Yes, the same "all-knowing" Science which all our state governors turn to, and have repeatedly told us that they are "basing all their decisions on").

Here's the story in the New York Post

"The new oral hygiene issue — caused by, you guessed it, wearing a mask all the time to prevent the spread of the coronavirus — is leading to all kinds of dental disasters like decaying teeth, receding gum lines and seriously sour breath."

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