Thursday, October 25, 2012

Recently Read Books I'd Recommend

God's Battalions: The Case for the Crusades
This is the single best presentation of the Crusades I've read.  Eminently readable for the average joe (like myself).  Objectively disputes and dispels many of the silly myths about those wars without any hint of bias, or giving some sense of having a Muslim axe to grind.  A must read for Christians. 

If you're darn sure you understand forgiveness -- and you probably think you do -- you probably don't and you need to read this book.  I thought I did...and I learned alot from this book. 

Gives you much to chew on (hee, hee...) and you'll learn a great deal.  Great writing throughout.  Makes the complicated clear. Unfortunately, loaded with crackpot darwinian theories throughout.  Besides that though, it is a super book. 

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