Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Odious Antisemitism Awareness Act

HIGHLY recommend you read the two articles linked below to get a handle on this legislation snaking it's way through our civil government.

This bill is repugnant, unlawful and wicked, and building one more path to incrementally oppressing the Christian Congregation of Jesus.  It also shuts down the rights of free speech, and controls the journalism-press in these 50 States.  

And to throw more trash on this dumpster fire, there are conflicting absurdities within the bill because it makes no qualifications between the religion of A.D. Jews (post destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD) which is Talmudism, the nation state of Israel, nor of the neurotic, secular religion of Zionism.  These "things" are not "semite" but are being lumped into the elastic term "antisemitism" nonetheless.  And, by the way, nor are the vast majority of the people "semites" this bill is saying we cannot criticize!  
Here's the Congressional link to the actual law HERE

It passed in the House under a fruitless, spurious Christian leader who is a schlemiel and a patsy for every big Statist dogma in DC.  He clearly is not a disciple of the King, but undoubtedly has become what he worships which is the secular, worldly State.  And this is a fundamental axiom of God's Word, which is: You become what you worship.  As Psalm 115:8 states, "Those who make them are like them, so is everyone who trusts in them."  

Pray to the Master that this is stopped, and let your senators know they should vote NO.

Now, all that said, and yes, it is pathetic, sad and lame, but I'm not surprise nor deeply angry because as I've said before, this is just one of the pieces flying off after the vehicle has gone over the cliff and hits the ground.  Our civil governments are too expansive, bloated and disconnected; they are not serving nor being held accountable for their mistakes nor their outright SINS.  We MUST reduce the size, scope and reach of our bureaucratic civil governments and bring back local, small, accountable structures because ours are completely and utterly unhinged, and alarmingly depraved.

Think Locally, and Act Locally, and read Psalm 110 to remind yourself again who's the Sovereign, and the King of all earthly kings (Rev. 1:5)!

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