Wednesday, April 7, 2021

You Can't Wake-up Someone Pretending to be Asleep

"This pandemic won't end at home until it ends worldwide,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Monday (4/5/21). "Even if we vaccinate all 332 million people in the United States tomorrow, we would still not be fully safe from the virus — not while it's still replicating around the world, and turning into new variants that could easily come here and spread across our communities again. And, not if we want to fully reopen our economy, or start traveling again.

In the '80's we would have called this goon a retard; but now our Handlers are using "retarded" to be nefarious. 

We ask, "What planet did this yahoo just arrive from?".  Earth, unfortunately, and sadly most Americans seem to be certain if we -- or someone close to this guy -- can just give him the correct info he'll slap his forehead, recant his mistakes, and drive back to Rational Land.  Nope.  Not happening. 

Deep, calculated nastiness is heading our way. 

Still, the King's eyes see all things.

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