Seriously, if this current fabricated crisis, er... "pandemic" involving the corona FLU were a short story it would likely appear in an Edward Lear collection. Though, admittedly, it'll likely be a pretty sweet yarn for me to tell one day to my great grandkids (because that'll be how long it'll take to restore our wealth and throw off democratic marxism), I'll call it the Great Corona Crud of 2020, and when I'm finished with the tale the grandkids will just stare hard at me to make certain I'm not teasing them, and then they'll ask, "Grandpa, was everyone on drugs?". Well, yes, but let me get to that topic down below in the recipe section.
All that to say, is when we gather all the corona weeds into a pile and give it a once-over, it appears we have lost our collective minds having no more sense than immature children (or "kiddos" as folks are o'so cheerfully referring to them now) falling for the "trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting" (Eph.4.14).
All that to say, is when we gather all the corona weeds into a pile and give it a once-over, it appears we have lost our collective minds having no more sense than immature children (or "kiddos" as folks are o'so cheerfully referring to them now) falling for the "trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting" (Eph.4.14).
Quick Qualifiers for the Maudlin among us: Yes, the coronaflu is real and folks are getting physically ill, and yes, the health care network in the States will be burdened. Yes, and yes. But so it was in 2009-10 when 22,800 Americans per month were hospitalized because of the swine flu strain. What we're dealing with is the reality (a new flu bug is out-and-about), and then there is the manufactured, faux crisis to which our Handlers want us to willingly take a heaping helpin' of, and keep coming back for more, tasty or not.
The cake we're being asked to chew on is Statism which is unfettered central control by power mongers bent on toppling Biblical Christianity. And, in God's sovereign purview, this confection of ingredients that have blended nicely together right now at this time in history creating this bogus "crisis" are, as best as I can determine:
1-- We are a society addicted to The NEW. We pant after trending news stories (truthfulness and usefulness be damned!) and believe 99% merely because it's on The News, and They know it.
2-- We are a culture worshipping Science (all bow!!). If a leader mentions the phrase "most scientists..." that is patriotic Scripture to current American culture. It is their standard. All must bow or be punished.
3-- Our shared "common sense" has shifted from a Biblical, theistic worldview ethic, to an atheistic one dominated by chance and chaos which gives birth to irrational subjectivity.. In other words, there is a stark divide of what is "common sense" between anyone born before mid 1970's and those after.
4-- Drugs. Legal ones (and illegal), but specifically legal. Opioids, and ones for da depressed, and kids taking 'em for attention deficit, blah, blah, etc, etc. We're loaded, and half of us are walking around only half awake.
5-- Our idolizing specialists and in turn the Specialist's god complex. We love deferring to the one who has specialized in one unique subject, and they love that we do that. They are the elite, and we -- the mushrooms of society -- jus' don't have the intelligence nor dat thar edgamacation to have any idea as to what they're talking about so we just have to trust, and defer, to them. Think Squealer from Orwell's book Animal Farm. Dr. Fauci is the poster boy for this concept.
6-- Victim mentality + wussified men. Always someone else's fault so we'll wait to be compensated, and hey, by-the-way, while we're waiting can someone else do the difficult jobs (I just want an inside, clean, computer job)?
7-- Crony, corrupt interventional Capitalism: We are in a quasi-socialist economy that has the civil government planning, mircro-managing, and overseeing all aspects of trade and money. It cannot be genuinely labeled "capitalism" -- i.e. free market -- as to what the US is practicing in our philosophical idea of money and trade. It has been centrally directed and governmentally regulated for nearly 100 years. That isn't capitalism; let's come to grips with that.
8-- Historical shame manipulation: Several generations have been propagandized to believe America is, and has been, a bully and an oppressor for centuries and we should pay for our "sins". So, if this "pandemic" knocks us down and destroys America, well, so be it because we deserved it anyway. About time, many say.
9-- Needing a Cause: Many of these baby boomers have been hankering for a "just" cause to have much like their parents had WWII, so they see this as their moment that will give their lives worth and value. The Millennials too, have been wanting something to glom onto for a reason to help them see past their daily narcissism.
10-- Death, death, death. Even before this Coronaflu thingy, we have had the good "fortune" of being apprised of each individual death from around the world, and at the instant it happens. Numbers, details, times.... death, death, death! Wahoo, feed us! (Is it any surprise that people generally have a pessimistic view of the direction of the world?)
11-- Dystopian movies and books. Ramped up perhaps 20 years ago, we have seen a steady, unending gush of End of the World stories filling our brains and conversations.
12-- Christian Rapturism. It goes by many titles but the bedrock theology is Premillennialism which spawned the movement called Dispensationalism which started in mid 1800's. It teaches that Christ's Earth is controlled by Satan, and will spiral unrestrained into further wickedness and chaos.
It's the predominant eschatological view of Christians in America specifically, and it has cultivated a pessimistic, dour, and fatalistic view of existence on Earth that dominates the minds and attitudes (generally) of the followers of the Jesus here in the US.
I know because I grew up in it, adhered to it, and taught it to others. I have since repented. It will be denied by it's followers, but it is the primary reason our American society has become what it has become. I base this upon the fact that Christ is in command of Creation NOW due to His Resurrection and Ascension, and has commanded us to teach His nations all His Word and Ways. He said we are the ones giving Light and Flavor to the World. We haven't been doing that, but that does not mean the Lost aren't still listening and learning from us; on the contrary, they are. And unfortunately, what we've taught them is our fixation on gloom, doom and escape.
So, here we all are baked up into this Corona Cake 2020. Ironically, a year for perhaps clear eyesight/seeing (20/20), but it's not so whatsoever. Stay tuned though because in the months ahead I'd like to contemplate what the KING may be up-to in all this (because He always is).
The cake we're being asked to chew on is Statism which is unfettered central control by power mongers bent on toppling Biblical Christianity. And, in God's sovereign purview, this confection of ingredients that have blended nicely together right now at this time in history creating this bogus "crisis" are, as best as I can determine:
1-- We are a society addicted to The NEW. We pant after trending news stories (truthfulness and usefulness be damned!) and believe 99% merely because it's on The News, and They know it.
2-- We are a culture worshipping Science (all bow!!). If a leader mentions the phrase "most scientists..." that is patriotic Scripture to current American culture. It is their standard. All must bow or be punished.
3-- Our shared "common sense" has shifted from a Biblical, theistic worldview ethic, to an atheistic one dominated by chance and chaos which gives birth to irrational subjectivity.. In other words, there is a stark divide of what is "common sense" between anyone born before mid 1970's and those after.
4-- Drugs. Legal ones (and illegal), but specifically legal. Opioids, and ones for da depressed, and kids taking 'em for attention deficit, blah, blah, etc, etc. We're loaded, and half of us are walking around only half awake.
5-- Our idolizing specialists and in turn the Specialist's god complex. We love deferring to the one who has specialized in one unique subject, and they love that we do that. They are the elite, and we -- the mushrooms of society -- jus' don't have the intelligence nor dat thar edgamacation to have any idea as to what they're talking about so we just have to trust, and defer, to them. Think Squealer from Orwell's book Animal Farm. Dr. Fauci is the poster boy for this concept.
6-- Victim mentality + wussified men. Always someone else's fault so we'll wait to be compensated, and hey, by-the-way, while we're waiting can someone else do the difficult jobs (I just want an inside, clean, computer job)?
7-- Crony, corrupt interventional Capitalism: We are in a quasi-socialist economy that has the civil government planning, mircro-managing, and overseeing all aspects of trade and money. It cannot be genuinely labeled "capitalism" -- i.e. free market -- as to what the US is practicing in our philosophical idea of money and trade. It has been centrally directed and governmentally regulated for nearly 100 years. That isn't capitalism; let's come to grips with that.
8-- Historical shame manipulation: Several generations have been propagandized to believe America is, and has been, a bully and an oppressor for centuries and we should pay for our "sins". So, if this "pandemic" knocks us down and destroys America, well, so be it because we deserved it anyway. About time, many say.
9-- Needing a Cause: Many of these baby boomers have been hankering for a "just" cause to have much like their parents had WWII, so they see this as their moment that will give their lives worth and value. The Millennials too, have been wanting something to glom onto for a reason to help them see past their daily narcissism.
10-- Death, death, death. Even before this Coronaflu thingy, we have had the good "fortune" of being apprised of each individual death from around the world, and at the instant it happens. Numbers, details, times.... death, death, death! Wahoo, feed us! (Is it any surprise that people generally have a pessimistic view of the direction of the world?)
11-- Dystopian movies and books. Ramped up perhaps 20 years ago, we have seen a steady, unending gush of End of the World stories filling our brains and conversations.
12-- Christian Rapturism. It goes by many titles but the bedrock theology is Premillennialism which spawned the movement called Dispensationalism which started in mid 1800's. It teaches that Christ's Earth is controlled by Satan, and will spiral unrestrained into further wickedness and chaos.
It's the predominant eschatological view of Christians in America specifically, and it has cultivated a pessimistic, dour, and fatalistic view of existence on Earth that dominates the minds and attitudes (generally) of the followers of the Jesus here in the US.
I know because I grew up in it, adhered to it, and taught it to others. I have since repented. It will be denied by it's followers, but it is the primary reason our American society has become what it has become. I base this upon the fact that Christ is in command of Creation NOW due to His Resurrection and Ascension, and has commanded us to teach His nations all His Word and Ways. He said we are the ones giving Light and Flavor to the World. We haven't been doing that, but that does not mean the Lost aren't still listening and learning from us; on the contrary, they are. And unfortunately, what we've taught them is our fixation on gloom, doom and escape.
So, here we all are baked up into this Corona Cake 2020. Ironically, a year for perhaps clear eyesight/seeing (20/20), but it's not so whatsoever. Stay tuned though because in the months ahead I'd like to contemplate what the KING may be up-to in all this (because He always is).
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