Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Ease & Mammon 4: Getting Out of the House

So what exactly does it look like to "get out" of the Burning House that is our US culture? How do we as followers of the King "Come out from among them and be separate"?      (2 Cor.6:14-18)

In other words, what does this mean practically in my life and your life on an every day basis in real-time and not in "yer heart"?

#1Forget Life insurance:  It's a racket and a purse-picker stealing money from you and driving up costs in innumerable areas in our local and national economy.  It's perpetuated by the feeding off of people's fear, and also the disintegration of the nuclear family.  Your life insurance is your children and/or family.  This has been the fact of history, and still is presently in almost all countries in the world who still honor parents.  Raise your children with this idea: that they should care for you as you cared for them (1 Timothy 5:3-5).

(Please reference Ease & Mammon 3 to get the full background as to why I'm suggesting this measure.)

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