Monday, April 12, 2021

The Ascension of Yeshua the King of Kings

Just a heads-up, Ascension Day is coming up on May 13th, so mark your calendars and get started inviting folks over to your house to celebrate the King's coronation over Creation.
      For those Protestants that are in the dark about Ascension Day, it is the day Christians celebrate Yeshua (Jesus) the Son of Man ascending to His throne and being given all power over the nations (Daniel 7; Psalm 2, 8, 110; Hebrews 2.8 etc).  This event is celebrated 40 days after Resurrection Day which corresponds to the Biblical narrative found in Acts 1.3-11.

I wrote about it more fully HERE.

Also, in connection with this, Tim Chester has co-wrote a book with Jonny Woodrow about Christ's ascension entitled The Ascension: Humanity in the Presence of God .  It is solid, succinct, and evocative, as are all Chester's books, and I'm all for anything that get Christians thinking about this topic in the Congregation.  Pick it up!  (anywhere else other than Amazon...)

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