Friday, February 1, 2013

Fostering Envy and Discontent

I view ! Facebook ! as a fleeting, superficial pop-culture fad.  It'll have it's time, but will fade and be forgotten soon enough.  It sadly has become hardly more than a vehicle for shallow "relationships" and endless, inane drivel. The purported benefits are few, and are significantly outweighed by it's deleterious aspects.

I think an apt comparison for it can be made with cola (or pop) in that if you consume it daily it may bestow a few instantaneous "benefits" that titillate and satisfy the flesh, but it will ultimately rot and corrupt you both physically and spiritually as you go, and too, in the final end.

To back up this wacky, contrarian idea I'd refer you to a post HERE .  



  1. I'm going to recommend this on Facebook using the button under your post! Just kidding.

  2. wow, my comment never popped up. Maybe this the big difference between a blog and facebook LOL. God bless Corey, we do love you guy's.
