Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A Scriptural Understanding of Predestination and Evangelism

Quoted here below, in a concise nutshell, is how to understand the Bible's teaching of relating and harmonizing predestination with heralding the Gospel.  The two are harmonious, but only if one is knowing the World and existence through God's epistemology, and not fuzzy, "free will" pop-culture philosophy (i.e. fallen flesh).  
       The key, I believe, is understanding how the Lord of the cosmos loves to use "means" to bring the ones He's predestined into His saving love in real time and space, right here on planet Earth.  Here's A.W. Pink explaining it in his stellar book The Sovereignty of God...
"God has, from the beginning, chosen a people unto salvation; but that does not mean there is no need for evangelists to preach the Gospel, or for sinners to believe it; it is by such means that His eternal counsels are effectuated."
Amen, and Amen.

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