Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Luther on Simple Worship in House Churches

Martin Luther wrote in 1526 in his preface to the German Mass and Order of Service:      
"The right kind of evangelical order cannot be exhibited among all sorts of people, but those who are seriously determined to be Christians and confess the gospel with hand and mouth, must enroll themselves by name and meet apart in one house, for prayer, for reading, to baptize, to take the Sacrament, and exercise other Christian works. With such order it would be possible for those who did not behave in a Christian manner to be known, reproved, restored, or excluded, according to the rule of Christ (Matt. 18:15). 
        Here also they could, in common, subscribe alms which would be willingly given and distributed among the poor, according to the example of Paul (2 Cor. 9:1-12). Here it would not be necessary to have much or fine singing. Here a short and simple way of baptism and the Sacrament could be practiced, and all would be according to the Word and in love. But I cannot yet order and establish such an assembly...
        In the meantime I will call, excite, preach, help it forward until Christians take the Word so in earnest that they will themselves find how to do it and continue in it."

1 comment:

  1. Excellent advice Martin, funny how you pesky reformers have a way of offending the "reformed" today....oh the irony of it all.
