Monday, September 19, 2011

More on the Agape Feast

Today I stumbled upon another article concerned, as I am, with the Bible's portrayal of Lord's supper as a real meal with the family of Jesus, versus our contemporary, ritualized, detached "communion".  The man's name is Stephen Perks and he's writing in a journal named Christianity and Society.  This link is to a PDF file for the whole journal.  The article starts on page 16 and is entitled The Christian Passover: Agape Feast or Ritual Abuse?
       It is excellent.  Reading this was very encouraging for me even though it was written 11 years ago by a British Anglican.  It was a bit shocking too because it was as if this man had crawled inside my head and had written down my thoughts concerning this subject and the performance/spectator worship we have, and have had, going in the Church. 
       A valuable read and truly worth your time if you are concerned for the Church's worship and Her fellowship.

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