Monday, August 8, 2011

Meditation: Christ the Living One not Just the Word on a Page

      "For one thing keep before your mind, as a ever-present truth, that the Lord Jesus is an actual living Person, and deal with Him as such.
       I fear the personality of our Lord is sadly lost sight of by many professors in the present day. Their talk is more about salvation, than about the Saviour; more about redemption, than about the Redeemer; more about justification, than about Jesus; more about Christ's work, than about Christ's person. This is a great fault, and one that fully accounts for the dry and sapless character of the religion of many professors.
      As ever you would grow in grace, and have joy and peace in believing, beware of falling into this error. Cease to regard the gospel as a mere collection of dry doctrines. Look at it rather as the revelation of the mighty living Being in whose sight you are daily to live. Cease to regard it as a mere set of abstract propostions and abstruse principles and rules. Look at it as the introduction to a glorious personal Friend."

- J.C. Ryle, 1879. Extract from his book Holiness: it's nature, hindrances, difficulties, and roots

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